ur second family trip to Disneyland took place Sat Nov 13 to Sat Nov 20. During the trip we celebrated Ruthie's 2nd birthday on the 15th.
Here's a handful of memories from our fun week, roughly left to right:
1-Lambson kids on the teacups. Their family went to Disneyland a month before us.
2-Austin found a map of the future of California Adventure. He spent 20 minutes comparing his map to the one on the wall.
3-The 'A' boys. Anthony and Austin.
4-Austin showing Pluto his remote control "Shiny Pluto" toy.
5-Anthony buried the kids in the sand at the beach. We spent our last day at the beach.
6-Ruthie started out scared of the characters, like she was last year. On the second day we met up with Koda and Kenai. They didn't have a line, so it gave Ruthie a chance to approach at her speed. She spent 20 minutes watching other kids approach while the bears tried to encourage her to come over. Finally she had the courage to give them both hugs. The silent, perma-smile bears clapped and pumped their fists and coddled her. It was so cute.
7-The 'R' girls. Ruth and Heidi Ruth.
8-Ruthie digging the Playhouse Disney show now that she knows what the shows are.
9-Ruthie has recently adapted Donald Duck as her favorite character. My mom, who came with us, got Ruthie a stuffed Donald for her birthday. When asked, "What are you going to name it?" she replied, "Um... Mickey Mouse."
10-Autopia cars. Austin and grandma rode, but we didn't. Every afternoon one or two of the adults took Austin around to play while another one took Ruthie back to the hotel for a nap.
11-At CA Adventure park with Minnie. We tried to get Austin on the Soarin' ride, but he was still too scared to ride some of those 'unknown' rides.
12-Austin with, who else, Buzz Lightyear! That morning we bought Austin a magic trick so he spent a moment showing the trick to Buzz.
13-Partners statue. Is there a story there?
14-What if I'd married a man my own height? Ruthie helped bury Anthony in the sand. It was cold and cloudy on the beach that day. I kept my jacket on and didn't get in the water above my knees. Anthony and the kids were braver.
15-It sure was fun having my mom on the trip with us. Good times, great memories. Plus we got a date night in the park. While mom watched the kids Anthony and I rode some of the best coasters - Space, Screamin', Tower of Terror.
16-The bubbles on the Nemo ride elicited the biggest reaction out of Ruthie last year. But this year it was just so-so, but still a fun ride.
17-A future princess.
18-Our trip family photo. If I was a Christmas card sender, I probably would've used this picture.
19-Lambsons with Mickey.
20-Ruthie and I enjoying yummy treats. Ruthie was absolutely coated in it by the time she was done.
21-Austin on his big afternoon with grandma. They rode so many rides and had such a fun time together.
22-Stuck in Prim Nevada. Our car broke down on the way there. We were set back 4 hours and got to Anaheim around 3am. Grrr! I'm just glad we got it figured out.
23-Lambson's family Christmas card picture.
24-Dinosaurs. Austin can name all of the dinosaurs! He takes after his mother. I used to love naming the dinosaurs when I was 5 and now my little 4-year-old does it. (Thanks Dinosaur Train).
25-Anthony and the kids braved the cold November ocean water for about 30 minutes before they were totally blue and numb.
26-Ruthie at Minnie's house.
27-My triumphant moment of the trip. Austin rode my favorite ride with me - Splash Mountain! It took a bit of convincing, though. We first had to ride the Matterhorn, then bribe him with popcorn on the walk over and even use peer pressure telling him that even Makayla had gone on the ride! His take? It was fun, but wet. He was willing to ride again, but we never got around to it.
28-Darling wiped out kids. We actually spent long days at the park, crashing around 8 or 9 pm. By the end of the week we were a bit back logged on sleep.
29-Austin wrote his name in the sand. He's gotten so good at that this year!
31-Austin's surprise favorite ride of the trip: Alice in Wonderland. He requested this about 3 times a day.
32-Goofing off in Toon Town.
33-Playing in the Brother Bear area.
34-My boy was just barely tall enough to ride some coasters this year. Scraping the 40" sign at 40.25". He loved Thunder and Splash, but wasn't ready for some of the others. That's ok. It's fun to have something to look forward to.