
The Presidents Day Weekend Misadventure

For the weekend of Presidents Day, we decided to get out of the house and, well, hole up in another house. While that wasn't our initial plan, that's what it eventually ended up being: an expensive stay-cation, in a different location.

I got an AirBnB up in Logan with the idea that we would spend the long weekend skiing at Cherry Peak ski resort. We had done it last year and the kids had a blast. So why not do a repeat!

The first omen of things to come was arriving at the house. I had reserved a basement apartment of a "colonial mansion." The host's instructions said there was a gravel driveway to the entrance at the back of the house. We could park there, or park in the main driveway. After some searching, we found the gravel driveway entrance. There were two or three inches of snow on the ground, but the drive was relatively level and straight, so I thought, why not try heading down that way with my rugged minivan. Well, I discovered that my minivan is not quite so rugged. About ten feet in it got stuck, its front wheels dug deep into a rut. The next twenty minutes were spent stuffing rocks, dirt, twigs, and whatever else we could find to give the wheels more traction, then together heaving the car up and out while Tonya tried to back it out.

We finally got the car out and took the second option of just parking in the main driveway.

The next morning we made our way up to the ski resort. It was snowing lightly. There was a dusting of snow on the road that got progressively thicker the further up the mountain we went. Tonya became visibly nervous, occasionally commenting "Uhh, you sure we want to do this?" Then just as we were about 50 yards short of the parking lot, the road hit a short steep patch. Several cars were backed up in front of us, not able to make it up. We stopped and waited. One by one, the cars each trudged up the slope, aided by people getting out and pushing. When it got to our turn, though we had several helpers, the van just would not make it up. So, we thought, no worries. We can turn around, head to the bottom and wait for a snow plow to clear off the road. So we turned around and started back down.

We were going about as slowly and carefully down the road as we could when we looked ahead and saw a car, heading the other way up the mountain, that had slipped out of its lane into ours. The road was pretty narrow, with steep mountain slopes on either side. As soon as I saw it I hit the brakes. I immediately felt the anti-lock mechanism kick in as we continued to slowly slip down the road. I swear we were at least 100 yards away, going less than 5 miles per hour. Yet we could not stop the car. It was like this slow motion yet inevitable crash about to happen. 

At 100 yards I'm thinking, we've still got like 30 seconds before we get to that point, so I'm sure they'll figure it out by that time. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi. OK we're at 90 yards, and the car's still in our lane, but I think we're still OK. Five Mississippi, six Mississippi, seven Mississippi, eight Mississippi. OK we're at 70 yards and they're actually getting out of the car to start pushing. Is that good? Well, if they're pushing then maybe they'll better be able to get out of the way. But if they don't get it out of the way, and we run into them, is my car going to be running over a bunch of people, not just hitting another car? Twelve Mississippi, thirteen Mississippi, fourteen Mississippi, fifteen Mississippi. Crap, we're at 50 yards and they've still not made any progress. Wait, do they even know that we're inching down this road but can't stop? Oh, yeah, use your horn Anthony! HONK! HONK! HONK!  Twenty Mississippi, twenty one Mississippi, twenty two Mississippi, twenty three Mississippi. AHHHHH! WE'RE GOING TO CRASH INTO THEM AT 3 MILES PER HOUR AND I CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT!!!

It wasn't until we were probably within ten yards that they were finally able to push the car out of our lane and into their own. As I peeled my white knuckles off of the steering wheel, there was this huge sigh of relief from both Tonya and me. Summer was nearly crying in the back seat.

By that point, we had all lost any desire for skiing. We decided to just head back to our basement and hang out for the day. Yet the misadventure didn't end there. A little further down the road, a car heading up the mountain flagged me down to ask about the road conditions. This time the road was even enough for me to stop the car, roll down the window and tell him, "If you don't have 4 wheel drive, you're not going to make it." Scarcely had I finished the sentence when I heard a honking from behind. Another car was experiencing the exact same terror I had just gone through, but now because I had stopped my car in front of them. I immediately hit the gas and narrowly avoided yet another collision.

So, the rest of that Saturday and the following Sunday we spent just hanging out in our rented basement. The kids played some twister. The place had a nice big theater room, so we watched two of the original Spiderman movies, National Treasure, Princess Diaries, and a few others that I can't remember. 

We considered staying until Monday and skiing then, but the forecast again called for more snow, so we weren't in a mood to risk it. We headed back home Sunday night.

So that was this year's Presidents Day weekend misadventure. A really expensive movie marathon, in someone else's house.


A Little About My Life

As soon as Ruthie found out that we were resurrecting the blog, she was so excited that she wanted to contribute. So, introducing Ruth in her blogging debut:

First of all, if I were to describe myself in one word, that word would be Ruth Colleen Johnson. Now I realize that is three words but I have to count it as one because it wouldn't be complete without all three. Have you ever met someone like that? So unique that a single word cannot describe them, a person that can only be described as who they are? I know you have because honestly I think every person is like that. Even if their name might not be quite fitting it is still the only thing that could possibly describe them. Yup, that's me.

Currently I am twelve years old, I love to learn, and I can't wait to pick up my next good book. In my free time I like to read, write, and play with my friends and family. I can usually finish a book in 2-3 days if I am really enjoying it, and one day if I just can't put it down. Right now my favorite book series is the Lunar Chronicles. I love to write stories. In fact right now I am working on a book. It doesn't have a name yet but I am about 20 pages in so far. As of now I cannot play with friends outside of school due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so I have to be content with playing with my siblings and doing FaceTime calls.

I also love to act, sing, and dance. I go to an after school program called COPA. We have practice twice a week. We just had our first stage performance in January and it was great. I absolutely love school. Although right now we do have to wear masks all day it is still great to see my friends. You know all kids at some point in their life wish they were home schooled but after the brief experience I had with online learning I am very grateful to not be homeschooled.

When I grow up I hope to be either a Marine Biologist or an Actress. My friend Sienna also shares both of these interests so whatever we decide to do, we plan to do it together. We have already planned ahead, and if we decide the path of Marine Biology we want to study at California State University, Monterey Bay.

Some of my favorite things are, the color lavender, dogs, dolphins, donuts, Caesars salad, the smell of rain (which I found is called petrichor), my friends, my family, and books. Now to list all of my closest friends this year. Emma, Sienna, Claire, Hazel, Ellie, and Trevor.

Life is good.


Cupid's Crazy Cafe

Tonya has introduced a fun new Valentine's Day tradition into the family. It's called Cupid's Crazy Cafe.

She prepares a multi-course meal. Each "course" includes several items that the kids can order. However, they can only order them by number, and they don't know which number corresponds to which item.

In addition to normal food, ordered items may be things like a plate, a cup, or eating utensils. The kids' lack of knowledge as to which item they are ordering, in which order, leads to fun and silly eating situations. If you order the salad before ordering the plate and utensils, then you must eat the salad with your hands, straight off the table.

If you order the drink before the cup, then you get your drink poured onto the table, or straight into your mouth.

We all love this new tradition. Thanks Tonya!

Blog Resurrection

So I don't know if anyone out there has still subscribed to get notifications on this blog, but if you do, Hi! It's been a long time!

Since Heidi's last post in 2014, lots has happened in our family, as you likely already know. We are still living in Lehi, albeit in a different house. After Heidi's passing, Tonya joined our family in 2019. Austin is 14 and in the 8th grade, playing trumpet in the band. Ruth is 12, in 6th grade, and is part of a performing arts group. Summer, 9, is in the 4th grade and reading like crazy. Our family has somehow been able to recover from tragedy, and, I would say, is thriving again.

One thing Tonya and I have noticed is that the kids love going through memories. Some Sunday afternoons they'll go downstairs, turn on Plex, and go through all of our old videos, spending hours flipping through clip after clip, enjoying seeing themselves as toddlers. Also, after Heidi passed, I decided to take this blog as well as Heidi's cancer blog, and put them into books (at least, the parts of the blog that had not already been put into books). Now our living room has a basket full of coffee table books about our family. The kids will often cuddle up with one of these books and read about their youth through Heidi's voice.

While Tonya has been especially good about documenting our new adventures with pictures, I realize that there's great value in recording our impressions and thoughts beside those photos. So, with that in mind, here we are, posting here again. I'm going to attempt to resurrect this blog. While my primary intent for doing this is internal–so our kids will continue to have books they can cuddle up with and reminisce–you out there reading this are welcome to continue following this blog. I'll admit up front that I'm not as good as Heidi was at expressing myself, or at being consistent. Maybe this new initiative will fall flat. Nevertheless, we're going to give it a go.

Let the resurrection begin!