Those of you who have seen our wedding video know that "our song" is I Will by the Beatles. We've made sure to familiarize our children on this song, so it's a regular in our bedtime lullabies playlist, and a favorite for them. Both Austin and Ruthie know it by heart. OK, Austin knows it by heart, and Ruthie is catching onto the syllable sequence (you never know if she gets the words or just plays them back as she hears them). Case in point, this is from a conversation that Austin had with Heidi a while back:
But mommy, I was so lonely in time out
Then let's make it faster
But mommy, I love you. Do you love me too?
I always, always love you.
Do you love me when we're apart?
That's when I love you the most because I miss you.
And when we're together my song will fill the air. And I need to sing it loud so you can hear me. Like this, "I'm a T-Rex. I'm a tyranosaurus. I'm the biggest carnivore in the cretascious forest." That's my song.
And, finally, a capture of Ruthie singing along with me.
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